Monday, May 08, 2006


I have finished my freshman year. It has flown by so fast. I wish it didn't go so fast. I want to savor it. And now all the amazing seniors that I have met are leaving. I'm really gonna miss them next year. To think, I've known these people for one school year and now I'll probably never see them again. But they have definitely made a huge impact on my life.

Just in general, this year has been amazing! I have learned so much from my classes, nature, my friends, and God. I have learned how vast the universe is and I have learned where different church traditions came from and how language has developed and how it changes. I have learned that trusting God means that you don't have to worry (yeah, sounds like common sense, I know, but I'm a little thick-skulled sometimes...well, a lot of times...). I have learned that I am likable.

In middle school and high school, I didn't have that many friends. But suddenly I have friends all over the place and it bewilders me. Several people have said to me, "You know everybody!" I don't know how it happened, honestly. I am just me. But it is surprising to find that I am likable. I mean, I know that I'm not a horrible person, I just figured I was an average person who had friends and I figured that was all the friends I'd get. Suddenly I have friends popping up all over the place! And God has really used these friends of mine to get through to me and encourage me.

Overall, it has been an amazing year and God has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined! God's love overwhelms me! He is amazing!!!