Monday, October 22, 2007


I'm a liar... I listed some prayer requests on my other blog and then said that was all, but it wasn't. I didn't tell them that I am really lonely... I feel cut off. I think it has become more so since my computer is shot. I can't talk to my friends at all now. I mean, there are people here that I hang out with, but I don't feel that they are really my friends. I mean, one of my flatmates is probably the closest thing to a friend I have here. But she's really sweet to everyone and we don't really talk in depth about much.

I just miss everybody... I guess, again, it's because I went from camp where I was around my friends almost 24-7 to here where I don't have anyone hardly. Maybe this is God teaching me to rely on him more...but it's not going so well right now...

Anyway, if anybody reads this (I know you do, HLMS. :-) ), you know what to pray for... Lonliness sucks... really sucks... Anyway...I'm gonna go read and escape reality for a little longer...


At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I were there with you, luv . . . *hug* Hang in there, sister.


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